mowing is for the birds.

i have been cleaning for a week straight mowing is for the birds.i am tired...i have been cleaning for a week straight...i have gotten up everyday by 6:00, if not earlier, to start my daily chores....i woke up this morning and mowed the grass. this is a task i have now done twice in my life- once was for a lady who was coming over to look at the house for a possible mag shoot and the second time, yes this AM, was so we could put our 'for sale sign' in the front yard. mowing the grass is a hard chore and something that i plan on forgetting how to do as soon as this house sales :) hope y'all had a much more entertaining weekend...i'm off to put my feet up and eat the rest of the bag of salt and vinegar kettle chips (don't judge me).
*images courtesy of metropolitan home (this is not me, nor my house)

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